Monday, November 25, 2013

Room for Improvement

        A lot can be done to enhance biodiversity conservation, improve the status of this habitat, and save what little remnants remain of this ecoregion. First and foremost, fire management and monitoring of human use within this region need to be formed as well as promoted. Also, the creation of new corridors should not only be done in riparian areas (i.e. along the banks of rivers) but in all areas of this ecoregion. One method of bringing back the natural vegetation of the Southeastern Mixed Forests is through tree replacement and regeneration of clear cuts. Furthermore, logging should be cut down to a minimum until the status of this ecoregion goes up. Once the Southeastern Mixed Forests have become protected effectively a systematic method of logging and fragmentation should be enforced.

        Other ways to help improve:
  1. Raise awareness of the importance of the ecosystem.
  2. Market incentives such as markets for sustainably harvested timber and paper.
  3. Gather funds for watershed protection through recreational user fees.
  4. Implement payments for carbon sequestration.
  5. Build more protected/reserved areas to allow forest growth.
  6. Facilitate continuous improvement of incentive design.

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